Welcome to Butterfly & Lotus!

I am so glad that you are here.

My name is Natalia, and I’m a mama, avid gardener, homeschooling teacher, biologist and paleontologist, wife, daughter, and sister. I am a woman who is constantly learning and exploring life. 

I am also a flower essence practitioner. I fell in love with flower essences over a decade ago, and they have significantly shaped my healing journey. When I was pregnant with my first child, I was a graduate student in biology, anatomy, and paleontology, deep in my research, and already on my healing journey after an accident. Our doula introduced me to flower essences and created custom formulas for me to work with during my pregnancy and beyond. I have been working with the essences since then and have seen their effect on me in so many ways. Fast forward in time, and I had the honor and privilege of training in flower essence therapy with the birth doula who first introduced me to the essences!! I have deep, deep gratitude for Ameya and her flower essence training program through the Woman Rising Mystery School.

In working with the flowers and plants, I have connected much more deeply to myself and to the little girl within who would play with the flowers, trees, and earth in the Polish countryside.

I do this work because it is an incredible privilege and honor to walk alongside people on their journeys of healing and connecting with themselves. It brings me so much joy to witness people and to work in concert with the essences to support them. We all want to be seen for who we are. And being able to create potions that support others is really fun!

Along with flower essence therapy, I have also fallen in love with the practice of Yoga Nidra, and it is something I offer as another healing modality. Yoga Nidra (“conscious sleep”) is an incredible healing practice and one that can support healing of many different conditions by bringing you awareness of yourself, your body, and your conscious and unconscious patterns and beliefs. For me, Yoga Nidra has been one of the most significant ways of downregulating my nervous system and bringing more calm and pause into my life.


Are you really a scientist and a flower essence practitioner? 

Yes, I absolutely am!

At first look, it may seem like being a scientist and a flower essence practitioner does not go together. For me, they do!

Science, for me, has always been about sinking into a deeper understanding of the world around us. Why is the sky blue? Why do cheetahs run so fast? Why do these plants grow here and not there? Science is about having a more intimate knowledge and understanding of what we see every day, like how hummingbirds fly and things we may never experience firsthand, like what does an atom look like? As I studied science, I was continually in awe of the beauty and complexity of nature. For example, learning how the human body works in human anatomy class taught me just how amazing our body and evolution is! 

In studying science, we learn about the things that we can quantify, see, observe and test. Those are absolutely vital for making sure that science is carried out in a way that can be repeatedly tested and verified. That is one of the many beauties of science and the scientific method.

How does this relate to flower essences?

When I learn about a flower essence or take a flower essence, I am gaining a deeper understanding of the energetic properties of that plant. How does this plant support me? How do I feel when I take it? How do others feel when they take it?

Science cannot yet measure the energetic signature of a plant, and whether it ever will or not, I don’t know. There sadly have not been many scientific studies of flower essences and their measurable impact on the body, yet. And I hope this will change.

In the meantime, I continue to study and learn about plants and all the different and beautiful wisdom they can offer us.

Because I have experience being a scientist and a flower essence practitioner, I comfortably navigate between the rational and feeling worlds, which allows me to support a range of clients. Some clients choose to work with me because I can relate to and understand science and its language, while others decide to work with me because I am deeply immersed in the realm of feelings. And some clients enjoy exploring both of those worlds with me.

M.Sc. (Master’s of Science) in Biology

Certified Yoga Nidra instructor, California College of Ayurveda

Start your flower essences journey today