Flower essences are the essence, or the spirit, of the plant held in water and preserved, usually with brandy. They are the energy of the plant in a form we can connect to our body and energy. When you take a flower essence, you connect the spirit of the plant to your spirit. In this connection, the essence of the plant invites you to bring awareness to and shift the deeper parts of yourself that are longing for healing, release or repair. The essences can raise your awareness of the patterns and conditioning that we all carry and allow you to see them in a new light. With this higher awareness, you can consciously choose what will move forward with you on your journey and what will be released.

The essences invite us deep within ourselves to discover our inner knowing.

I use a variety of essences in my custom formulas, including flowers, trees, gems, ethereal beings, and environments. As they merge together, they create the custom essence formula that will support the uniqueness of you. 

They all contribute their incredible vibrational energy to the custom blend formula and create an elixir for you to take daily and access the healing spaces within you for your healing journey. 

  • Close up of red rose with droplets of water on its petals. Dark blurry background. Photo by Ameen Fahmy


    Flowers offer various ways in which we can connect to the deeper parts of ourselves and work with them on our journey. The flowers’ gifts are as diverse as their variety in nature.

  • scraggly tree with sunlight shining on its orange leaves with a blue green background


    Trees have deep roots which allow them to anchor themselves deeply into the ground. While tree essences offer many different types of support, most have a grounding and stabilizing quality to them.

  • a photo of the surface of the ocean with a gradient of blues starting at light blue at the top and dark blue at the bottoms


    Have you ever been someplace and felt like it feels comforting or inspiring or safe? And once you leave the space, the feeling changes? Environmental essences support your journey by holding the feeling of an environment or place in the essence and sharing that feeling with you.

  • a forearm coming from the bottom of the image with the hand holding a white gemstone with a black background


    Gems are incredible and beautiful gifts of the earth, and many of them are associated with specific properties. Their essences give support to you on your journey by sharing the spirit of the gems and stones through their essence.